Ants Get Aggressive About Entering Your Home In April

ants inside a home

With April comes spring break, higher temperatures, the approach of graduation, and…ants. Ocala, FL is home to many varieties, some of which pose threats to your property or family. Whether your home has been invaded by more dangerous types or mere nuisances, ant removal is essential to your safety and comfort. McCall Service offers these ant control tips to help you get rid of ants at your home or business.

Types of Ants in Florida

We’ve compiled a list of Florida ants that can put your family or property at risk. Many more ant types plague homes and businesses in the state, but most are harmless.

  • Tawny crazy ant: Destroys electrical equipment
  • Big headed ant: Damages houseplants and landscaping
  • Ghost ant: Can damage property, especially greenhouses
  • Pharaoh ant: Spreads disease and food-borne pathogens
  • Carpenter ant: Causes structural issues to wood over time
  • Fire ant: Bite can be painful or even cause allergic reactions
  • Argentine ant: Not dangerous, but colonies can contain millions of pesky ants
  • Tawny crazy ant: Destroys electrical equipment

These ants have a range of behaviors. Experienced technicians have the knowledge and training to identify and get rid of ants in your Ocala, FL home.

Prevent Ants from Invading Your Home

The market is flooded with products claiming to offer effective ant control. While we don’t recommend DIY ant removal, there are steps you can take to make your home less ant-friendly.

  • Fix plumbing leaks
  • Immediately clean up spills and crumbs
  • Keep trash securely bagged and take it out often
  • Seal cracks, holes, and gaps near entryways and in your home’s exterior
  • Fix plumbing leaks
  • Immediately clean up spills and crumbs
  • Keep trash securely bagged and take it out often
  • Seal cracks, holes, and gaps near entryways and in your home’s exterior

Ants enter your home in search of food, shelter, and water. Make it difficult – if not impossible – to enter. If they do make it inside, deprive them of sustenance so they won’t want to stick around.

Take Care of Ants with McCall

From knowing the risks of having ants in your home to understanding the ant control methods at your disposal, knowledge truly is power when it comes to managing this pest. If you’re already experiencing an infestation, get rid of ants with help from your local ant removal pros. McCall Service is a family-owned pest control company providing safe, effective pest treatments since 1928. In addition to Ocala, FL, we serve customers in other parts of Florida.


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