Earwigs are nocturnal insects with smooth, elongated bodies and a pair of forceps pincers on the abdomen. These insects are reddish brown in color and can range in size from a quarter of an inch to a half of one inch in length. Earwigs may or may not have wings, depending on their species. Earwigs get their name from the myth that they crawl inside a human’s ear and burrow into the brain to lay eggs.
Earwigs typically live outdoors in moist areas, including under logs, piles of dead leaves, and in mulch. Earwigs’ main food source is decaying plant material. Earwigs crave moisture, so they may enter your home during extended periods of dry weather or while seeking a safe space for winter. If they are inside your home, they can be found in areas with high humidity, such as basements, attics, bathrooms, and kitchens. Earwigs will feed on plants and other insects in your home.
Contrary to the myth and their intimidating appearance, earwigs are not dangerous to humans. They can’t pierce your skin with their pincers, and they aren’t hosts for any diseases. They are, however, a nuisance pest because of the possibility of harming your household plants or gardens. They are also known to produce a foul odor if frightened or disturbed. The biggest reason to keep an eye out for earwigs is because they can be a sign of other issues—such as moisture damage—in your home.
Eliminating earwigs may be easier than other pest infestations. Sweep them up or pick them up to discard them. Reduce humidity in your home and do your best to eliminate damp areas around the exterior of your home with proper drainage from rain gutter and downspouts. Move wood piles away from the exterior of your house and do your best to take care of leaves in a timely fashion. If you find yourself dealing with an abundance of earwigs, call McCall Pest & Wildlife to help tackle your pest infestation with a free estimate. In many cases, we can respond to your request on the same or very next day.
The best ways to prevent earwigs from entering your home are to reduce areas of moisture and humidity inside. Try to keep wood piles away from your home, and always rake or mulch leaves to avoid offering them plenty of places to thrive outdoors. Seal any cracks or holes in your foundation and caulk gaps around windows and doorways. If you do notice signs of earwigs in your home, call McCall Pest & Wildlife todaycall McCall Pest & Wildlife today to schedule regular pest control treatments and ensure that your home is protected against these and other unwanted pests.