
Ticks are a type of small arachnid and external parasites that survive by attaching themselves to and feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, amphibians, and even some reptiles. They thrive in warm, humid climates—making Florida the perfect place for ticks to live and breed. There are many species of tick found living throughout Florida, including common types such as:

  • The deer tick, or black-legged tick, is a hard-bodied species of tick. When unfed, its body is generally black. After feeding, it becomes engorged, and its abdomen turns a light-gray or blue color. Deer ticks are the primary vector of Lyme disease and should be removed as fast as possible.
  • The American dog tick or wood tick is a colorful one that lives in wooded areas, tall grass, or places that are highly shrubbed.
  • The brown dog tick or kennel tick is a reddish-brown tick that can live indoors for its entire lifecycle. This tick is also longer than others and lacks ornamentation on its back. As its name suggests, it typically feeds on dogs as a preferred host.
  • The lone star tick thrives in wooded areas with thick underbrush, where its mature forms feed primarily on white-tailed deer. These ticks are named for a white, star-shaped spot near the center of the adult female’s back.

Why Do I Have a Tick Problem?

In Florida, ticks are most active during the spring and fall months. They are most likely on your property because it provides them with the environment that they require for survival. Ticks need to live in moist humid areas and can be found hiding in areas of dense vegetation, high grasses, along fence lines, along the edges of wooded paths, and in wooded areas, waiting for a host to latch onto. They then begin feeding on their host’s blood. Ticks are generally first introduced onto properties by wild animals that live near or pass by your home.

Are Ticks Dangerous?

Ticks are disease vectors that are responsible for spreading diseases to humans through their saliva. As they feed, they infect people and animals with bacteria and other disease-causing agents. Black-legged ticks transmit Lyme disease. This condition, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems, including issues with the heart and nervous system, joint swelling, and cartilage and bone erosion. Ticks can also spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, and ehrlichiosis–-among other serious diseases.

How Do I Get Rid of Ticks?

Controlling ticks can be a difficult task without the help of a professional. Because they are most likely introduced onto your property by wild animals, the first step is to identify and remove the environments from your property that attract ticks. This can include keeping lawns trimmed short, removing areas of dense vegetation, removing piles of leaves and other organic debris, and getting rid of bird feeders from your property.

Luckily, our professional team at McCall is committed to helping solve your pest issue efficiently and thoroughly. Contact McCall Pest & WildlifeContact McCall Service for assistance managing ticks and maintaining a pest-free environment.

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